Employees are Company Capital

Employees are Company Capital
Employees are also always referred to as human capital, which means employees are the most important capital to produce added value to the company. As the most important capital, the function and role of employees always aims to maximize company productivity and efficiency through effective work methods. Because, if employees are not productive and inefficient, then employees may no longer be the most important capital, but become a burden for the company. "A proud attitude never makes a person learn to grow, but only makes someone like to show off their meager abilities." ~ Djajendra on “Operational Rate of Foreign Direct Investment Journal”.
From the recruitment process to the performance evaluation process, employees must always be reminded that they are the company's capital, so that employees understand the meaning of their existence in the company. If the problems of leadership, communication, ethics, and work ethic are not carried out properly by the company, then the employee has the potential to become ineffective workers, and may also potentially be a burden on the company.
A great company will always care for the quality of its employees, whether in terms of emotions, intellectuality, or in terms of skills. The most important thing is that a great company always strives to make every employee as capital, and to prevent its employees from becoming a burden to the company. Every company always plans to get the most out of its human resources. This can only happen if management works effectively and productively.
To make management work effectively and productively, it requires the best quality of work and competence of the employees. Without having skilled employees in their respective jobs, it is not possible to produce effective and productive management. Therefore, leaders must have awareness and actions in improving the quality of their human resources in all dimensions or aspects of work. Ignoring the quality, expertise, competence, and work ethic of employees is the same as letting the company become ineffective and productive.
Knowledge, insight, ethos, physical strength, strength of positive thoughts, and strength of conscience become the basis for building the strength of expertise in each work. Each individual employee must be trained to have a superior level of knowledge and skills. They must also be built and developed continuously to have endurance and adaptability at every point of change and point of challenge. Company awareness to continuously improve the best skills and ethos of employees, making employees as the most productive assets to produce the best performance.
Every employee must have an awareness that if he wants to have job security and wants to be respected in the workplace, he must be disciplined to develop skills and work ethics that are extraordinarily productive. Getting used to being diligent and disciplined, and focusing on growing the quality of self with the various abilities needed by the company, will increase employee reliability. As a professional employee, be a learner who is always humble to test the quality of the expertise he has today; understand and identify deficiencies that are owned; keep learning to grow competencies so that you can appear more reliably and more expertly at work.
Invest your time, energy, money, and enthusiasm to make you more reliable at work. Leadership and employees must be united to build expertise in the workplace. Together expand skills, insight, knowledge, expertise, and integrity. Together promoting positive energy as a foundation for developing a trusted company image, increasing credibility, being professional in every situation, and making employees and leadership have the confidence to overcome a crisis or an unfavorable situation.